My weight coaching focuses on understanding why you’re heavier than you’d like to be rather than on treating the symptom. You’re ready to work with me if you’re done with diets and you appreciate that they are not a long term solution. In sessions with me, we’ll take a look at all or some of the following as they apply to you:
- body and emotions – for many of us, disconnection here is the root cause of weight gain
- thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck
- avoidance behaviors
- getting clear on what you want and working with tools to get you there
Telephone Coaching
I recommend a package of six weekly 60 minute sessions to begin exploring what’s going on for you.
6 Week Package – $600
Besides six weekly phone calls, this package includes:
- M-F email to review questions and assignments
- Recordings of sessions
Single Session – $125
If you’d like a single session, this one’s for you…

Email Coaching
If you’d prefer Email Coaching, I offer a six week package. This works well if you enjoy writing and having the time to play around with your thoughts and ideas before putting them out there. It also works well if you’ve already been through coaching and would like additional help with specific issues.
Six weeks of Email Coaching – $300
Here’s how it works:
- We decide on two days a week for coaching.
- You get to initiate an issue and we exchange up to three rounds of response and follow up emails to explore the issue.
- Should you choose to add on a few telephone coaching sessions, these optional sessions will be discounted.
Optional add on 45 minute phone sessions – $100 per session
Contact me to schedule a free 30 minute call to explore what might work for you.